Season 3 / Episode 2

For the second episode of season 3 of the CMR Podcast we have Parth Pandya, a PhD student in Demography, discussing their first PhD chapter looking at the effects of ethnic concentration on the partnership, employment, and housing patterns of ethnic minorities in the UK with a special focus on the key takeaways on the state of ethnic minority individuals in the Census 2021 results which were recently released. In this episode, Parth breaks down the spatial patterns of ethnic minority individuals in the UK, outlines key theories of ethnic minority behaviour and patterns in demographic and geographic research, discusses their findings and ends on a critical discussion of the methodological challenges in demographic research.

References**These are some key readings to get you going but this is not an exhaustive list and there are many more works that I referenced in my research.

Brynin, M. and Güveli, A., (2012). Understanding the ethnic pay gap in Britain. Work, Employment and Society, 26(4), pp.574-587.

Catney, G., Lloyd, C.D., Ellis, M., Wright, R., Finney, N., Jivraj, S. and Manley, D., (2023). Ethnic diversification and neighbourhood mixing: A rapid response analysis of the 2021 Census of England and Wales. The Geographical Journal, 189(1), pp.63-77.

Finney, N. and Harries, B., (2015). Which ethnic groups are hardest hit by the ‘housing crisis’. Ethnic identity and inequalities in Britain: The dynamics of diversity, pp.141-160.

Hamnett, C. and Butler, T., (2010). The changing ethnic structure of housing tenures in London, 1991—2001. Urban Studies, 47(1), pp.55-74.

Hannemann, T. and Kulu, H., (2015). Union formation and dissolution among immigrants and their descendants in the United Kingdom. Demographic Research, 33, pp.273-312.

Kulu, H., Milewski, N., Hannemann, T., & Mikolai, J. (2019). A decade of life-course research on fertility of immigrants and their descendants in Europe. Demographic Research, 40, 1345–1374.

Li, Y. and Heath, A., (2020). Persisting disadvantages: a study of labour market dynamics of ethnic unemployment and earnings in the UK (2009–2015). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(5), pp.857-878.

Mikolai, J., & Kulu, H. (2022a). Heterogeneity or disadvantage in partnership, childbearing, and employment trajectories of the descendants of immigrants in the United Kingdom? A multi-channel sequence analysis of longitudinal data. MigrantLife Working Paper 12.

Mikolai, J. and Kulu, H. (2022b). Partnership and fertility trajectories of immigrants and descendants in the United Kingdom: A multilevel multistate event history approach. Population Studies, pp. 1–20.

Shankley, W. and Finney, N., (2020). Ethnic minorities and housing in Britain. In Ethnicity, Race and Inequality in the UK, p.149.

Thomas, M.J. and Mulder, C.H., (2016). Partnership patterns and homeownership: a cross-country comparison of Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Housing Studies, 31(8), pp.935-963.

Waters, M., Tran, V., Kasinitz, P. and Mollenkopf, J., (2010). Segmented assimilation revisited: types of acculturation and socioeconomic mobility in young adulthood. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(7), pp. 1168-1193.

Zuccotti, C.V. and Platt, L., (2017). Does neighbourhood ethnic concentration in early life affect subsequent labour market outcomes? A study across ethnic groups in England and Wales. Population, Space and Place, 23(6), p.e2041.