International Minority Education: Opening New Collaborative Research Possibilities

Itinerary: 26th -30th November (Week 11)

 *********** Subject to Change *************

26/11 – Open Seminar at the Department of Anthropology

“Indigenous and quilombola education in Brazil: an introduction”

27/11 – Invited meeting with research groups about minority education and collaborative research.

27/11 – Meeting in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding

Between the Department of Human Sciences – Centre for Ethnographic Research and Applied Anthropology (Centro di Ricerche Etnografiche e di Antropologia applicata “Francesca Cappelletto” – CREAa) – University of Verona and the Centre for Minorities Research (CMR) – University of St Andrews, to discuss future collaborative projects.

28/11 – Work meeting

Documents and possible projects on academic cooperation among the institutions partners: UFMG and Università di Verona

29/11 – Visit at a public school

With common activities with the two young quilombola and indigenous researchers

30/11 – Appointment with university offices

About possibilities for an international education program for minority students